What does it look like to live for yourself and not God?
It is easy to say you have dedicated yourself to God when you are actually living for yourself. Jonathan Edwards gives the following six tests to evaluate whether or not you are really acting as if you were own, not God's.1. You act as if you were your own when you don't deliberately and wholeheartedly seek the glory of God in all that you do.2. You act as if you were your own when you don't do what God wants you to do or you do something God doesn't want you to do simply for the sake of your own comfort or pleasure.3. You act as if you were your own when you trust in your understanding rather than submitting to Scripture.4. You act as if you were your own when you complain about your afflictions.5. You act as if you were your own when you become angry and bitter and revengeful when people mistreat you.6. You act as if you were your own when you aren't willing to happily and liberally give your possessions to those who are in need.