Frustrating the Frustrater
One of the ways Satan tempted Adam and Eve was by telling them they would become like God by disobeying Him.I am not sure he actually believed this would happen.Jonathan Edwards suggested he didn't."When Satan said so, he did not really think that this would really be the fruit of it; he aimed at that which was infinitely contrary, his lowest depression, debasement and ruin."What grace God has shown us however, and what wisdom! Our disobedience of course did not make us like God, but instead more like the animals. Our rebellion did not elevate us, but humiliated us. And yet, while we could not become like God by disobeying Him, through the Son's obedience to the Father, God did become like us. More than that, God took on human nature.And why?One of the reasons He did so was to unite us to Himself. It's remarkable! As Satan attempts to frustrates God's plan, God frustrates Satan's. As Jonathan Edwards writes, "But God has greatly frustrated making the issue of eating that fruit to be the advancement of the elect to such an union with the persons of the Trinity, and communion with them in divine honor and blessedness; and particularly has united one of them, the head and representative of the rest, in a personal union with the Godhead, and so to the honor, dominion and work of God, in ruling the world and judging it, and particularly judging them (the devils), in which all the rest of the elect in their measure partake with him."