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The Church as a Display of God's Power

We have been having such a great time in Ephesians as a church.In particular we have been thinking about the different ways God has demonstrated the immeasurable greatness of His power towards us who believe. As we work our way on from Ephesians 1:19, Paul shows us three places we can look to see God's great power. First, if we want to know how much power is at work in our lives, we can look up and seeing Jesus ruling over all authorities and powers and dominions and above every name that is named. Second, if we want to know how much power is at work in us, we can look in and see the supernatural change that has taken place in our own hearts, going from dead spiritually to alive.But you know, there's a third place Paul tells us to look if we want to see the power of God. We should look around us at church and see the peace that God has brought between people who are from radically different groups. In Paul's day, it was Gentile and Jewish believers. Here were these people who were hostile towards one another for thousands of years and yet as Paul looks at the early church he sees them approaching God together on equal footing and for Paul, that was a shocking display of God's power.That actually is part of what we are pursuing at Living Hope. It seems to me if one of the ways God demonstrated His great power in the early church was through bringing these two normally hostile people groups together into one, we can imitate God's plan by pursuing a local church where radically different cultures unite, developing real relationships and worshiping God together. We want people who are wondering whether God is powerful and who are wondering whether God is still at work to look at the peace that exists between people in our local church and say, wow, no way, how did that happen, that's not normal, only God could create relationships like that.