Suggestions for Disciplemaking
Want to help make disciples but not sure where to start?Here are several suggestions for beginning the work of making disciples:1. Be committed to coming to church on a regular basis with the goal of getting to know God better and getting to knowing other people at the church better.2. Get involved in a small group during the week. If you are not able to join a small group during the week, make a deliberate goal of getting together with another godly person from the church on a regular basis with the purpose of learning from them.3. Develop a systematic plan for understanding God’s Word better and develop a relationship with someone who will keep you accountable to fulfilling that plan.4. Be friendly to others and make a deliberate goal of reaching out to someone else with the goal of helping them in their relationship with Christ. When you get together with them, see if you can get together on a regular basis. Pray that God would really help you love this person as a brother or sister in Christ. Get to know them as a person, spend time talking with one another, pray for one another, and ask if they are willing to read a chapter of the Bible with you. Pick a book of the Bible and read a chapter with them once a week. Each of you read several verses. When you are done reading ask them what stood out to them, what confused them, what challenged them, how do they think they should be different as a result of what they read.5. Help them identify someone they can reach out to and help them as they seek to share the gospel with that person and help them learn how to share what they are learning with the other person.