Think about it...
I have been working through Tim Keller's book Ministries of Mercies with a group of guys here at the church for the past several weeks. One of my long term prayers is that God would raise up a number of like-minded men who would band together to spend their lives by glorifying God through doing good to those in need.We'll see what happens.In this week's chapter Keller quotes from a letter of John Newton's to a young man asking his advice on giving to the poor. It's thought provoking to say the least, definitely a little different than the American dream."For the most part, we take care, first, to be well supplied, if possible, with all the necessaries, conveniences, and not a few of the elegancies of life; then to have a snug fund laid up against a rainy day, as the phrase is . . . that when we look at children and near relatives, we may say to our hearts, "Now they are well provided for." And when we have gotten all this and more, we are perhaps content, for the love of Christ, to bestow a pittance of superfluities, a tenth or twentieth part of what we spend or hoard up for ourselves, upon the poor. But alas! What do we herein more than others? Multitudes who know nothing of the love of Christ will do thus much.When Newton urged a simple lifestyle, he did not envision a lot of income going into savings or retirement plans."But it may be asked, would you show no regard to the possibility of leaving your wife or children unprovided for? Quite the reverse: I would have you attend to it very much, and, behold, the Scriptures show you the more excellent way. If you had a little money to spare, would you not lend it to me, if I assured you it would be repaid when wanted? . . . Proverbs 19:17, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth to the Lord, and that which he hath given will he pay him again." What think you of this text? Is it the word of God or not? . . . I dare stake all my interest in your friendship . . . that if you act upon this maxim, in a spirit of prayer and faith, and with a single eye to his glory, you shall not be disappointed."