1 Peter 1:1 and 2 Thought Questions
Why is perspective important? What role does your perspective on a situation play in your response to that situation?What is the purpose of Peter’s greeting? Where is his focus?What does Peter mean when he calls the believer’s aliens? What does this term teach us about the nature of our lives here on earth? Can you think of any other passages in Scriptures that speak of believer’s this way? What is the importance of thinking of yourself as a stranger here on earth? What are the priorities of a person who is living as if this world was his home and how are those priorities different than that of a person who doesn’t believer this world is his home? Are you thinking and living like a citizen of this world or of the one to come?What is a typical refugees life like? What are some of the problems he experiences? How might that help us understand what to expect as believer’s living in this world?What are some of the ways you have faced rejection for being a Christian? What are some of the temptations a person who is rejected might face?What is the second key word Peter uses to describe our condition or position as believers? What is the significance of this term? Can you think of any other passages that speak of believers this way? Look them up and mark down some of the things that they tell you about this term.Do you view yourself as chosen by God? How should this reality affect you?What does the following statement mean, “Sometimes people say life is too busy to be concerned with theology. I say, life is too hard not to be serious about theology.” Do you agree or disagree?Besides saying that we are chosen strangers, what else does Peter say that further explains what he means? Take each one of the three phrases and define them. Explain the difference those phrases should make in the way you look at the problems you face for doing what is right.How should you think/feel/live different as a result of what Peter teaches in these verses?