The Edwards Sermon Project: Outlines, Quotes, and Insights for Preaching and Living
As I work my way through the sermons of Jonathan Edwards, besides paraphrasing the messages, I thought I could also try to capture some key brief insights that could easily be used in future sermons or conversations or probably more importantly, in every day life. I will begin with the first sermon we have recorded, Christian Happiness, which Edwards preached when he was around 17.-----Why is the godly man the happiest man?1. Because the bad things that happen to him will turn out for his good2. Because the good things he enjoys cannot be taken from him3. Because the best things he will experience are yet to comeHow should knowing that godliness produces the best kind of happiness change the way a person lives?1. It should change the way he feels about the future. What is there to be afraid of when everything works for your good? 2. It should change the way he thinks about obedience. It is hard to think of obedience as a burden when you understand its benefits.3. It should change the way he lives on a daily basis. The man who pursues godliness has chosen the best path towards happiness.4. It should change the way he understands the character of God. We see the goodness of God in way He has joined godliness to happiness.