What a quote!
"As I look over this land of ours everywhere I see churches, and these churches in full operation, on weekdays and on the Sabbath. There seems to be no end to religious activities of one kind and another - meetings by day and meetings by night, preaching services, prayer meetings, revival meetings, religious conventions, men's gatherings, great missionary meetings for the conversion of the world, for carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth. And yet right here in America, in the midst of all this missionary activity, this religious zeal, this seeming devotion to Jesus Christ, racial prejudice stalks on unhindered. Race prejudice flaunts itself everywhere, unrebuked, as if the kingdom of Jesus Christ had nothing whatsover to do with it, as if it were a thing entirely apart from it. The church is anxious to bring the world to Christ, overflowing with enthusiasm for the conversion of the heathen, and yet indifferent to battle this giant evil right here in Christian America.On top of the Central Union Mission building in this city . . . is a great sign, it consists of a star and under the star in large letters are the words, Jesus the light of the world. It is illuminated by electricity and night after night flashes out its message to passersby. It may be all right to put up such signs, but that is not the way to teach men that Jesus is the Light of the World. The way to do it is not through colored electric lights but through life - by living the religion that we profess, by showing in our daily walk that He is our light, that we are walking in the light, are being transformed through His influence into likeness to Him. Thousands of such electric signs scattered everywhere, piled up to heaven, are not worth as much as one life that is being saved by Christ, commending Him to a sinful world. And so if our white Christian brethren would give a little less attention to the type of Christianity represented by these religious electric displays, the type of Christianity that is concerned about putting up such signs but is not concerned about this ulcer of race prejudice that is eating out the very vitals of the church, if they would give a little less attention to the evils that are away off and address themselves a little more to some of the evils that are near them; if they would shake off their indifference and show a little interest, just a little, in having the Kingdom of God come into their own hearts and the hearts of their race hating brethren at home, we would have a little more confidence in their sincerity and the outlook for the real kingdom of God coming in this land would not be so discouraging."Francis Grimke, "Christianity and Race Prejudice" June 5, 1910I wonder, could we substitute the word South Africa for America?