How often have the strong fallen and the weak stood!
I am often encouraged by the fact that God chooses to use the weak because I am often discouraged by my own lack of strength to do His work.Recently I found joy in William Bridge's words,"I have a great deal of work to do for God and have no strength to do it with; therefore I am discouraged, have I not cause and reason to be?No; for the spiritual battle is not always to the strong. Our victory lies not in ourselves and our own habitual strength, but in Christ's fresh assistance. How often have the strong fallen and the weak stood!We read of the young King Edward the Sixth, that when Emperor Charles V sent to him, desiring that his sister Mary Tudor, afterwards Queen of England might have freedom to take the Mass in her house, the young prince did stand out against that temptation when all his Council was for it. Yes, that good man Archbishop Cramner, and that other holy man Bishop Ridley, did yield to it, and pressed the King to it, to the point that the King did break into tears, desiring them to be contented, where the Archbishop Cramner took the King's teacher by the hand and said, 'Ah, Mr. Cheke! you have such a scholar that has more divinity in his little finger than we have in our whole bodies.' Here the weak stood and the strong did fall; the weak did resist temptation when the strong did yield; for our strength lies in Christ without us, not in ourselves within us.And if you look into the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the Revelation, you will find, that whereas all the churches are charged with some sin or other, only the Church at Philadelphia is charged with no sin at all, but commended for keeping the word of Christ's patience, and yet this church and no other, is said to have a little strength. And you know what Paul says, 'When I am weak, then I am strong; most gladly therefore will I rejoice in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest on me.'Though your grace be weak, yet you may do much for God in your day!"