One of the most eminent duties of Christian societies...
I have found that when I talk about the church having a concern for the poor, people have sometimes responded by acting as if this was a new or trendy kind of concern. Because of that I like to collect quotes indicating thinking like that couldn't be further from the truth.Here's another from John Owen:"And it were well if all churches, and all the members of them, would wisely consider how eminent is this grace, how excellent is this duty, of making provision for the poor - how much the glory of Christ and honour of the gospel are concerned herein; for whereas, for the most part, it is looked on as an ordinary work, to be performed transiently and cursorily, scarce deserving any of the time which is allotted to the church's public service and duties, it is indeed one of the most eminent duties of Christian societies, wherein the principal exercise of the second evangelical grace, namely, love, doth consist."