Sweetly Wrapt
"This will discover a main difference between the saints and empty professors:As to the performance of duties, and so the enjoyment of outward privileges, fruitless professors often walk hand in hand with them; but now come to their secret retirements, and what a difference is there!The saints hold communion with God: hypocrites, for the most part, with the world and their own lusts; - with them they converse and communicate; they hearken what they will say to them, and make provision for them, when the saints are sweetly wrapt up in the bosom of their Father's love.It is oftentimes even almost impossible that believers should, in outward appearance, go beyond them who have very rotten hearts: but this meat they have, which others know not of; this refreshment in the banqueting house, wherein others have no share; - in the multitude of their thoughts, the comforts of God their Father refreshes their souls."John Owen