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Simple Family Devotions #15: What’s your purpose?

Spending time with your family in God’s Word is life-transforming. Yet sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. I have created these simple family devotions to help. Any believer can do this! Read the introduction, ask your children to look up the verses, and then discuss what they mean and how they apply together. You will be happy you did!——-It is hard to do anything well if you don’t know it’s purpose. Imagine trying to play a game but not knowing the point. Or going to work but no one tells you what your job is. Unfortunately, many people are trying to live life that way. They don’t know their purpose. How about you? Why are you on the planet today? What are you here for? The Bible’s answer to this question is very clear. Look up the following verses and see if you can spot what they tell you about your purpose. 1.) Romans 11:36 2.) 1 Corinthians 6:20 3.) 1 Corinthians 10:31 Once you have identified your purpose, you have to think what that means and how you can do that today. What does glorifying God actually mean? Write down a definition. The following three verses give at least three ways you can glorify God today. See if you can spot them. 1.) Romans 4:20 2.) 1 Peter 4:10-11 3.) 2 Thessalonians 1:10 (Hint: Look at the word that is a synonym to glorify here.) Now that you have thought about why you exist, and what it means, and how to do it, what difference is it going to make on the way you live your life today? Knowing your purpose is a privilege, but it won’t do much good to know it, if you don’t intentionally seek to live your life on purpose.