Things too grand
Everything anyone has ultimately is from God.There are many people with whom God is angry and who will never experience God's pleasure to whom He has given many earthly things and, even the best of them. In fact, there have been times when one wicked man has had more material possessions and worldly honors than all of God's people have enjoyed altogether.Instead of causing us to be confused about God's goodness and kindness or His attitude towards His children, this reality should reveal to us just how cheaply God values earthly possessions. The fact that He is willing to give so much worldly goods to people He is angry with, while often, not giving nearly as much to the people He loves, shows us that God doesn't think much of the value of worldly goods.Paraphrasing Jonathan Edwards,"Though He is willing to give people He is angry with worldly goods, even the best of material possessions, He never bestows on them spiritual blessings. These things are precious in God’s sight and are too grand to be bestowed on those whom His anger rests. He reserves these for His favorites. He never gives those He is angry with any pure divine light, holy love, spiritual anointing, divine seed, spiritual joy, foretaste of heaven. They will never have the least bit of spiritual good bestowed. These blessings are infinitely precious and they are too costly to be bestowed on those whom He hates."