7 encouragements for people in difficult relationships
Six. God has not left you on your own to figure out how to respond in the difficult situation your are facing.You haven’t been dropped in the middle of a jungle with just a pat on the back and no map how to get out. It may feel like that.But you’ve got some tremendous resources straight from God Himself.Like 1 Peter.He’s given you instruction obviously in a book like 1 Peter how to respond, but you know he’s done more than that.He’s also given you a person.To say it another way, He doesn’t only tell you how he wants you to respond, He came down from heaven to earth to show you how.That’s what Peter is getting at in verse 21ff.“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example so that you might follow in his steps.”It’s easy sometimes sitting and listening to someone talk from the Bible about how to respond to unjust suffering to think that person doesn’t have any idea what you are going through, and it may be true, he doesn’t but God does and God provided clear instruction and help in the person of Jesus Christ to show you how He wants you to respond.