
My name is Joshua Mack and I am so happy to be a Christian. It's a miracle! When I was a young man, God enabled me to see that my best works were filled with self-righteousness and pride. While that was discouraging, it led me to the cross, where God revealed both His justice and mercy to me. I saw my sin was worse than I thought it was. I came to know I desperately needed a Savior and that Jesus was the only Savior for sinners. God gave me faith in His Son and hatred for my sin and turned my life upside down!

Now I get to serve him as a pastor. Though growing up, I definitely didn’t want to be one. I struggled with the fear of man and hated standing up in front of people. But in my senior year of high school, I worked as a security guard in a chicken factory. There wasn’t much to do, so I sat in a tiny security guard shack and read the Bible. There I developed an overwhelming desire to know God’s Word better and to be equipped to teach it to others. So, I moved to California and studied at the Master’s University and became part of Grace Community Church, where I was discipled, trained, ordained and sent out. After having served as a missionary in South Africa for many years, I joined the team at Cornerstone Bible Church in the beginning of 2021.   

God’s been very kind to me. Besides saving me and allowing me to serve him, he's given me a very sweet wife and many children whom I love dearly. (Just ask, and I will tell you all about them!) My goal in life is to know and enjoy God as much as I possibly can, be holy, grow in my love for people, preach in a way that makes God happy, develop deep biblical friendships with others, and help the local church be faithful to its calling. 

Find out more about our church here and find out about our ministry in South Africa and how to continue to support them here.