“A Process for Discipleship”

A Process for Discipleship: part twelve

Different images may come into your minds when I say you as a discipler need to teach. One person may think of someone at school, another a coach. There are at least two different kinds of teaching that I am convinced you need to pursue becoming better at if you are going to disciple others…

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A Process for Discipleship: part ten

One of the primary goals of discipleship is to help someone else mature spiritually. But what does spiritual maturity actually look like? There’s a sense in which that question is easier to answer and difficult…

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A Process for Discipleship: part nine

In order to disciple someone well, you need to understand where they are at spiritually. In the previous few posts, we have been considering different spiritual conditions or stages…

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A Process for Discipleship: part eight

A third possible spiritual condition is that of a spiritual child. You remember how John says, I am writing to you children. The person you are discipling might be spiritually dead, a spiritual baby, or they might be a spiritual child…

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A Process for Discipleship: part seven

A second place a person might be spiritually is a baby. The person you are discipling might be spiritually dead or second, the person you are discipling might be a spiritual baby…

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A Process for Discipleship: part six

Not everyone is at the same exact place spiritually.We have been talking about how to disciple someone else. In the last post we stressed the importance of thinking about where the person you are wanting to…

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A Process for Discipleship: part five

If you picture the Christian life, it is not that you become a Christian and then kachow, you know everything and you are obedient in every area, you come out of the new birth, spiritually an adult…

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A Process for Discipleship: part four

We are supposed to make disciples. If we fail at this point, we fail at everything else as well. Jesus made our mission pretty clear when he said, “Go and make disciples”…

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A Process for Discipleship: part two

Discipleship should be more than a nice idea to talk about. It should be a way of life. But how? Where do we begin? We are walking our way through a basic process to follow in order to develop influential…

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A Process for Discipleship: part one

It's one thing to know that you are supposed to do something. It's another to know how. Understanding that we are supposed to go out and make disciples is great, but if we as believers are actually going to make disciples…

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