Better than Riches...
God promises a proper regular study of the Scripture will bless you in an amazing number of ways.
Want proof?
Just check out Psalm 119.
The Scriptures will keep you from being put to shame.(v.5) You’ll learn wonderful things. (v.18) You’ll avoid being rebuked and cursed by God. (v.21)The Bible will produce joy. If you read through Psalm 119 you’ll find that the Psalmist constantly calls the Scripture a delight. I like that. It’s such an expressive word. Delight is pure joy. Scripture produces that. (v.23) The Bible will give you the knowledge you need to live life in a God-honoring way. (v.24) It will revive you and give you strength when you are at your lowest and weakest point. (v.25,93) The world around you devotes hours and hours to studying things that are worthless. But as you study Scripture you know for sure that you are studying something that is valuable. (v.37) It produces freedom and liberty – it makes your path straight. (v.45) Scripture provides comfort and hope in affliction. (v.50) Your devotion to Scripture will provide encouragement and joy to other believers.(v.74) The Scripture will give you the ability to make good decisions. (v.98) The Scripture will help you understand how this world works. (v.98) It will direct your steps. (105) Studying Scripture is like turning on a light in a dark room. It enables you to see things clearly. (v.105) Ultimately Scripture shows you the way of salvation. (v.155) The wicked don’t have salvation because they reject God’s Word.
You can see why the translators of the King James Version wrote in 1611, “God’s sacred Word…is that inestimable treasure that excels all the riches of the earth…” This book is more valuable than anything else on earth. It’s inspired, it’s profitable, it’s life-changing, and God can and does use it to bless you in ways that are truly jaw-dropping. READ IT! STUDY IT! LOVE IT!