Soul Searching Questions...

It's helpful to stop on a regular basis and think about what God is doing in your life. I'd encourage you to ask yourself the following questions, then get together with your husband, wife or friend and talk about your answers.

1.) What Scripture has God been using to teach you lately? What spiritual truth is He teaching you?

2.) What are some of the ways God has answered prayers in your life lately? What specific things are you thankful to God about?

3.) What has caused you to shout out, "God you are great" recently?

4.) Is there something new or perhaps old that you have learned about who Jesus is recently that has refreshed your heart and caused you to think more about how great He is?

5.) What comfort has the gospel given you in recent days?

6.) What are some of the specific areas in your walk with God that you have been challenged about lately? What are you repenting of and by God's grace trying to change?

(I'll get back to the "where's the love" discussion later today)


Are you correctable?