How am I talking?
The way we speak is important. So important that James says if we don't control the way we speak our religion is worthless. Here are a couple questions I thought we might use to evaluate our speech, especially in the midst of conflict. Do you have any others?
1. Am I using my words to hurt others?
2. Am I speaking out of a desire to lift myself up?
3. Am I telling the truth out of love?
4. Am I exaggerating the other person's faults to make a point?
5. Am I dealing with the problem or attacking the person?
6. Am I talking to the person with whom I am upset or am I talking to someone else
about the person with whom I am upset?
7. Am I using appropriate words? Is my language respectful or disrespectful?
8. Am I talking to understand or talking to make my point?
9. Would a godly Christian looking on say that my speech is helpful and gracious?
10. Am I being wise about the time in which I am talking to this other person? Is
this the best possible time to talk about this issue?
11. Am I talking like I am better than the other person?
12. Am I trying to get the attention on to me or on to Jesus?
13. Am I thinking about how I can help the other person grow? Is that reflected in
the way I am speaking to them?