Different kinds of problems with anger...

Be angry and do not sin.Sometimes people are angry because they are so self-absorbed. On the other hand sometimes people are not angry because they are so self-absorbed.Sometimes people are so wrapped up in themselves that they are consumed with anger whenever someone does something to them. On the other hand, sometimes people are so wrapped up in themselves that they don’t even notice when evil terrible things happen to others, they are not even bothered when they themselves do sinful things, they don’t even care that people are hurting each other and dishonoring God as they do so.Either way self is at the center.Anger is wrong, it is sinful when it is about self. Anger can be right, it can be godly when it is about Christ and God looking great and the good of the other people around us.And sometimes we don’t get angry because we care about ourselves more than we care about that.Which is why Paul commands us to be angry.To paraphrase Paul Tripp, while there are times when our problem with anger is that we are angry for the wrong reasons; there are also other times when our problem with anger is that we are not angry for the right reasons. Sometimes our problem is that (quoting now) “the things that should make us angry and thereby move us to action just don't make us angry anymore.” This problem is more subtle but perhaps just as serious.


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