Simple Family Devotions #24: The God with no needs
We all have needs. There are so many things we depend on every day just to survive. But not God. Think about that! He has no needs. He is not dependent on anyone else for his existence and he doesn’t need anything in the world for his happiness. It is hard for us to even imagine someone that independent. But the Bible helps us!
Look up the follow verses and note what they teach us about God.
1.) John 5:26
2.) Job 41:11
3.) Romans 11:33-35
4.) Acts 17:24,25
5.) Psalm 102:25-27
6.) Isaiah 40:28-31
While I know at first this truth about God might seem deep, it is also very practical. You depend on God who does not depend on you. God never grows lonely. God never gets tired. God never gets weaker. God doesn’t need help. He is the only one in the universe who is completely self-sufficient! What difference does this make in your life today? How does this make His love for you sweeter? How does it make your confidence in Him greater? How does it make the gospel more amazing?