“Humility in Real Life”

Humility in real life

If God left us to ourselves, we could all break the best relationship, ever. Even if we know all the right stuff about what are supposed to do when there is a conflict. I know, because I’ve been in good churches, where  there are people who know all the right information…

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Humility in Real Life: part two

What does it look like to be humble? One place for you to test whether or not you are humble is the way you respond to conflict. We are looking at James 4:6-12 and identifying six commitments the humble person makes in the middle of relational difficulties…

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Humility in real life: part three

“Draw near to God” James says in verse 8, “and he will draw near to you.” He’s pulling a term out of the Old Testament that was used to describe the way a priest would approach God in worship and basically…

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Humility in real life: part four

Fourth.“I commit to examine myself and deal with my own sin, whether anyone else ever does or doesn’t.” And I am bringing a couple things James says in verse 8 and then 9 together.“ Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded…

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Humility in real life: part 5

One of the most important things I can do in the middle of a conflict is humble myself. But what does that mean exactly? Humility means:“I will do what God wants even if it is not what I want…

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