It is Good to Know God part one...
There's nothing better than being humble.
It's absolutely essential for living the Christian life. You can't go to God without it. You can't love God without it. You can't serve God without it. You can't love others without it. You can't communicate properly without it. You can't resolve conflict biblically without it. You can't deal with the sin of others properly without it. You can't resist sin without it.
And there's nothing worse than being proud.
The proud person is an abomination to God, hurtful to others, and a danger to himself. Unfortunately, we all have a tendency to be proud; to think too much of ourselves and too little of God.
There's no character quality more beneficial than humility and there's no sin more dangerous than pride and there's nothing that promotes humility more and destroys pride more effectively than the knowledge of God.
Edward Griffin explains, "A discovery of His [God's] awful dignity and excellent holiness reveals the evil of sinning against him and lays the penitent soul speechless at his feet. When we can perceive God to be so holy and glorious that a bare neglect to love him would deserve eternal woe, and that no conceivable punishment is great enough for the wretch that dares rebel against him, when with spiritual discernment we contemplate God turning the angels out of heaven for sin, turning Adam out of Eden, turning a beautiful world into a prison house of groans, a shambles of blood, turning many into hell, and more than all, thrusting his sword through the heart of His own son, then we discover in a light unknown before, what sin deserves and what we are, and lifting a pleading eye to Jesus, we lay ourselves down in the dust to wonder at the patience and mercy of God." (The Life and Sermons of Edward Griffin, vol.1, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 1987, p.280)