Quick Update...
I miss my wife and daughters. O.k. now that you know what's happening in my heart, let me just give you a quick run down of what's happening in my life.I had a meeting with the leaders of the church here and they are set and eager to begin mercy ministries, specifically right now to begin an orphanage on the property adjacent where the church is located. They would like to see the orphanage be family centered and encouraged us to place great priority on finding the right houseparents. We're hoping, there's a seminary up north, we're hoping we might find a family there that could be the first houseparents, and we could play a part in training the husband for the pastorate and perhaps even at some point help him with a church plant in the township basically right next door to the church. Who knows? The potential though is pretty exciting.The next morning, I drove up to Bethesda and we had a meeting with John Mixon in which we basically asked, how do we do this? Where do we begin? Doing good is complicated. He brought up a whole host of issues for us to think about. Like for example, South African regulations, African culture, etc.I then had lunch with a couple of men from the church, went home studied for a bit, drove down to Johannesburg airport, clutching my steering wheel and praying that I'd make it safely, met my sister there and greeted Amanda as she got off the plane. I then hopped back in the car, drove up to Pretoria and had dinner with another young couple from the church. It's funny going to dinners with couples by myself. I'm used to having Marda and the girls there to help. I just know that I can't compete with a beautiful wife and three sweet little daughters, there's no way I can be as cute by myself so I don't even try.