Bad Good or Good Good?

I'm thinking about how you motivate people to give to orphans.Motivation obviously is important. It's possible to do good for the same reasons people do bad which of course makes the good you do bad. If I'm doing good to be accepted by God for example, I'm really rejecting the Savior He's provided, which makes the good I do, quoting Martin Luther nothing short of idolatry. I'm trying to be my own God.I wonder if this is why when I talk about the church needing to get focused on serving the poor, people sometimes offer up cautions about not going the way of the social gospel. They are thinking of the bad good people often do. You can do bad good without the gospel.But there's no way you can do true good without it. True good doesn't distract you from the gospel, it focuses you on it. The kind of good I want to get involved in and the kind of good I want to call the church to get involved in has everything to do with the gospel. I want to motivate people to sacrificial giving the way Paul did."For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."Giving to orphans not to earn God favor, but because of all that Jesus has done that we might have God's favor.


Only Disobedience

