“On Instructing Your Children”

On Instructing our Children part 1

What is the responsibility of believing parents, and especially, hear that, especially, believing fathers? We can break Paul’s answer down into two parts. 1. We see that we have a responsibility not to parent in such a way that makes it easier for our children to sin…

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On Instructing our Children part 2

You don't always connect the word nurturer with the word father.But Paul does. He says, fathers, bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.But what does that mean specifically…

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On Instructing Your Children Part 3

What should a father teach his children? One place to look answer that question is the book of Proverbs. Over the next several posts, I want us to look at ten of main lessons from Proverbs that you as a parent have the responsibility of teaching your children…

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On Instructing Your Children Part 4

What does a father need to teach his children? We are walking our way through Proverbs and trying to learn from Solomon about what we need to teach our children about living wise lives in this world…

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