Mark on Jesus part 2
I started, l think last week, just jotting down a few thoughts I was picking up from Mark about who Jesus is. I only got through chapter 1.I thought I might list a few more I was noting today from chapter 2.1. He was a preacher of the Word2. He valued faith.3. He had the authority to forgive someone else's sins.4. He had the ability to tell what other people were thinking.5. He was not afraid to confront spiritual leaders who were thinking erroneously.6. He did not shrink back when people thought he was claiming to be equal with God.7. His miracles demonstrated that He had the authority to forgive sins.8. He was sometimes criticized as being arrogant.9. He was able to make a paralyzed man walk.10. He considered forgiveness of sin to be a greater priority than even physical healing.11. He did things that made people say, "We have never seen anything like this before."12. He was constantly teaching.13. He chose His followers.14. He commanded His followers.15. He chose followers that would have been looked down upon by others in his society.16. He had many tax gatherers and known sinners who were attracted to his ministry.17. He spent a great deal of time with people that the religious elite of his society would have looked down upon.18. He came to call sinners. He did not come for the righteous.19. He knew about his death from the beginning.20. He saw Himself as more important than John the Baptist.21. He was often criticized by people others thought were spiritual as being unspiritual.22. He considered His coming a reason for joy.23. He saw Himself as bringing a substantially different way of looking at religion than the way of thinking about religion that was being taught by the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day.24. He was sometimes criticized as being disobedient to the law of God.25. He was often followed by people who were specifically looking at what he did in order to find fault with it.26. He often responded to criticism with a question.27. He knew Scriptures.28. He interpreted the Scriptures.29. He saw Himself as the Son of Man.30. He viewed Himself as the Lord of the Sabbath.