What Trust Is
One way to understand what trust means is to look at the way the word is used in the Old Testament. If you look it up in a Hebrew dictionary, the word, it means to be confident.To rely.To quote another, it is "that sense of well-being and security which results from having something or someone in whom to place confidence." It is to hope, to feel secure, to be persuaded. It is a confident expectation.It is funny, you may be able to get an idea of what it means by looking at the way the Hebrew word is used negatively in the Old Testament. When it is used in a negative way it is translated, 'carelessness.' It is almost as if the trusting person is so sure, if you were going to say something negative about him, you would say he is careless.We see don't we in the definition of the word itself that when you trust you believe certain things about the Lord but it's more than that, that belief results in a certain attitude towards what's going on in your life.There are several terms that are closely tied to the idea of trust throughout the Old Testament.For example,* Psalm 13:5: the word, rejoicing* Psalm 33:21: being glad* Psalm 56:4: not being afraid* Psalm 62:10: hope* Psalm 112:6-8: not moved, not afraid of bad news, heart being steady* Isaiah 26:3: mind stayed on God, kept in perfect peace* Isaiah 32:17: quietness of heart* Jeremiah 49:4: person who is trusting makes bold statements about his securityI bring those different terms up just to illustrate that trust is more than words. It is not that trust equals perfection and that there is never any struggle. We are not in heaven yet and so as we walk in this world we are always going to struggle with doubts and all of that, but what I am trying to say is that real trust works through that and results in changes in our attitudes. Trust uses the Word of God to shield itself against those attacks and does end up transforming our attitudes.That’s why I say a sense of security and a sense of satisfaction are both tied to the word trust. Maybe I could put it to you like this.The human heart wants to feel secure and be happy. We are in a bad way if we are not. And so we are constantly looking to different things for security and satisfaction. And when we are confident that thing will give us security or satisfaction, that's called trust.When you look for your ultimate happiness and peace in a person, you trust that person. When you look for your ultimate happiness and peace in money, you trust money. When you look for your ultimate happiness and peace in pleasures, you trust pleasure. When you look for your happiness and peace in comfortable circumstances, you trust your circumstances. And when you look to God as the fountain of your security and satisfaction and you choose Him as the thing you are going to expect happiness from, you trust God.I am not trusting God when I just say the right things about God or when I just assume God will help me or when I feel good when things are going my way, trust, this is active.This is looking to God as the sole source of good in my life.I am trusting God when I see, "that" my joy ultimately is in knowing Him and being like Him, in serving and glorifying Him, enjoying Him. When I see that is my main pleasure and that without that all other pleasures aren’t really pleasures. And when I see that, you know what I do, this is what happens, I stop looking other places first for security and satisfaction, and seek my happiness and security first in God. I decide if I am going to be happy and secure it is not going to be from having everybody’s approval, it is not going to be from always having comfortable circumstances, it is not going to be from everything going my way, it is going in knowing God. And I hope in that. I hope to be happy and secure in God. I expect that. And that expectation is called trust.Not that those other things aren’t fine and good, it’s that they are not ultimate. They are secondary. And you are trusting God when those other things are secondary and He alone is ultimate.