
Highlighted series:

Evangelism and Prayer, part 1

It’s easy for us to use prayer as an excuse for not witnessing. I remember when I was in college, I had a friend who wanted to witness to one person a day. One day, he asked me to come along…

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Learning to Pray for Others from the Apostle Paul

When you have a baby they want everything.It wasn't too long ago that our baby boy was about at the grabbing stage. He didn't think about what was good for him, he just wanted everything and grabbed for it and when he didn’t get it, he would make some noise until someone gave it to him…

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The Problem of Unanswered Prayer part 5

I wonder if there are promises in the Bible you have a hard time believing. I think for me some of the promises in the Bible I have the hardest time believing are the promises God makes about prayer…

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The Problem of Unanswered Prayer part 4

One of the reasons unanswered prayer is a problem is because of all we have in the Bible that leads us to think God will answer our prayers. In the Bible God makes some really big and awesome promises regarding what happens when a Christian…

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Wrong Answers to Unanswered Prayer Part 3

You will never get the right answer when you are asking the wrong questions. This means if you are struggling to understand why God is not answering your prayers the way you would like, and you are asking, is it because God does not know what is going on…

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Wrong Answers to Unanswered Prayer part 2

We are thinking about the problem of unanswered prayer. But before we even attempt to understand a good solution to this problem, we are identifying some clearly wrong answers we are tempted to believe…

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Wrong Answers to Unanswered Prayer

We have been talking about the power of prayer at church. And it is not unusual for people to hear sermons about the power of prayer and to get excited and to go home and to start to pray and then to come crashing down a…

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The Prayer Hearing God

The reason we as believers are confident that God hears prayer is because of the Bible. God gives us reasons we should expect him to answer prayer. 1. He’s the one who takes the initiative after all…

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To Prayer

Several hundred years ago, a great revival swept through the country of Wales.The son of John Elias (a preacher whom God used in a tremendous way in the 1700's during that revival)…

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On Prayer

Luke 18:1, “Now He was telling them a parable to show that all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart…”1 Timothy 2:1, “First of all then I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions…

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On Unceasing Prayer Part 1

We should always be praying.I could stand before any group of people at any given time and it would be totally appropriate for me to challenge them to make a commitment to prayer…

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A Prayer Hearing God

I don't have a lot of time to write.But I have been struggling with trusting God as far as purchasing a car. In fact I had much less difficulty trusting that God was sovereign during the robbery than I have trusting Him for finding a vehicle…

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A Prayer Hearing God...

I am on my knees this morning, praying and thinking about how impossible this whole thing is. I mean, we are here, the needs are there, it is happening, but really this is huge, how exactly do we begin…

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Why pray?

I want to talk with you about a nagging doubt that may be at the back of your mind.I have found nagging doubts can be pretty powerful. Sometimes when you are trying to help someone…

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Unanswered last time

We're talking about the problem of unanswered prayer: If God is in control and God really listens to our prayers and if God loves me, why doesn't He answer my prayers the way I want…

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Unanswered Prayer...again

Exodus chapter 2: Setting: Egypt. Problem: God's people...slaves, being treated cruelly. Response: They begin to pray…

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Unanswered prayers, part two

To understand why God doesn't always answer our prayers, we have to start by understanding that to understand why God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want we have understand we are not always going to fully understand why God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want…

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Unanswered Prayer...

It is very easy to get discouraged about prayer. You know how it goes. You hear a message about the power of prayer. You go home and you start to pray, and nothing seems to happen…

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