
The greatest dupes the devil has...

"Cotton has well said of covetous worms of the earth, “After hypocrites, the greatest dupes the devil has are those who exhaust an anxious existence in the disappointments and vexations of business, and live miserably and meanly…

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Good News: God saves sinners!

"I call your attention to those words, 'Him that justifieth the ungodly.' They seem to me to be very wonderful words. Are you not surprised that there should be such an expression…

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Spurgeon on Joy

As Christians, we should be the most joyful people in the world.And honestly, many Christians are. But not every Christian. Why? I am sure there are many different reasons…

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A Passage Into Glory

"If we consider death simply in itself as an enemy to nature, there is nothing in it for which we should desire it: but if we consider it as a medium, or passage into glory, yea…

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But One Way...

"Yet the great part of people are most unworthy to be helped if they be judged by their own merit. But here Scripture helps in the best way when it teaches that we are not to consider that men merit of themselves…

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All means all...

"All things work together for good to them that love God." Romans 8:28" Observe what he says. Make no exception when he makes none. All! Remember he excepts nothing. Be encouraged in your faith, give glory to God…

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Some forms of stupidity...

J. Budziszewski:"I have already said that everything goes wrong without God. This is true even of the good things He’s given us, such as our minds. One of the good things I’ve been given is a stronger than average mind…

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How to Know You are a Sinner

"You will never make yourself feel that you are a sinner, because there is a mechanism in you as a result of sin that will always be defending you against every accusation. We are all on very good terms with ourselves…

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But now...

Commenting on Romans 3:21 where Paul writes, 'But now the righteousness of God has been manifested...' Martyn Lloyd Jones says, "There is an aspect of faith of which it is true to say this, that faith is a kind of protest…

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A means of finding all one's hope

“The faith of the individual must be seen as having no value in itself, but as discovering value wholly and solely through movement towards and committal to Christ. It must be seen as simply a means of finding …

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Four things you must know

Here are four things you must know and you must help the people you are discipling know:" 1. Know the Gospel itself (stay focused on Jesus)…

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Watch out!

“According to the New Testament, greed qualifies as one of the most serious of sins. The earliest Christians were told not just to avoid greed, but to watch out for it…

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A Short Course in Old Testament Prophecy...

"I've mentioned to you that God knows everything and that within His knowledge is the knowledge of all history past, present and future. And not only that, there is the purpose of God working it out in fact so that…

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Dying Ministers Dealing with Dying People

"Ministers are dying men, and live not for ever in this world. They are to look upon themselves as such, and to preach accordingly, as those that must be silenced shortly, and know not which sermon may be the last…

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Christ the example of ministers

"Ministers of the gospel follow the example of their great Master, in the manner in which they seek the salvation and happiness of the souls of men. They should follow his example of love to souls…

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The mother of patience

“. . . let us also observe that kindheartedness is the mother of patience and continually produces that fruit, and that if we are too stern, it is a sign that there is cruelty in us and that we are like wild beasts…

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Under the hand of God

"For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation..." Habakkuk 1:5 Martin Lloyd Jones writes,“Every nation on earth is under the hand of God, for there is no power in this world that is not ultimately controlled by him…

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