Good quotes on money that probably won't make it to this Sunday's sermon.... "Compulsive extravagance is a modern mania. The contemporary lust for more, more, more is clearly psychotic; it has completely lost touch with reality." R. FosterIn the Idiot, Dostoevsky has one of his characters observe, 'Every one is possessed with such a greed nowadays, they are all so overwhelmed by the idea of money that they seem to have gone mad.'""There are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, the conversion of the mind, and the purse." M. Luther"Our hearts have room only for one all-embracing devotion, and we can cleave only to one Lord." D. Bonhoeffer"Rather than comparing ourselves to others like ourselves, so that we can always claim comparative poverty, let us become world citizens, looking at ourselves in relation to all humanity. Those who own a car are among the world's upper class. Those who own a home are more wealthy than 95 percent of all people on this planet...Although most of us have a difficult time balancing our budgets, we must recognize as world citizens we are among the very wealthy." R. Foster"Money has demonically usurped the role in modern society which the Holy Spirit is to have in the church." T. Merton