Not ______but Christ...
"The one true goal or resting place where doubt and weariness, the stings of a pricking conscience and the longings of an unsatisfied soul would all be quieted is Christ himself. Not the church, but Christ. Not doctrine, but Christ. Not forms, but Christ. Not ceremonies, but Christ. Christ, the God-man, giving his life for ours, sealing the everlasting covenant and making peace for us through the blood of his cross. Christ the divine storehouse of all light and truth, 'in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Christ the infinite vessel, filled with the Holy Spirit, the Enlightener, the Teacher, the Comforter, so that 'of his fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.' This, this alone, is the vexed soul's refuge, its rock to build on, its home to abide in, till the great tempter be bound and every conflict ended in victory."Horatius Bonar, Words to Winners of Souls, page 11.HT: Christ is Deeper Still