Russell Moore on Adoption
"Not every Christian or every Christian family is called to adopt or foster children. Every Christian is called to care for widows and orphans in their distress (Jas. 1:27). I think the first step for every Christian is simply to pray and ask for the wisdom to know how (not if!) you are called to care for widows and orphans, and then ask God for the opportunities to do so. You’ll be surprised how quickly he’ll answer this request, often in ways you don’t expect or even know yet that you’d want.Beyond that, I think a family ought to ask whether there’s love enough and room enough in their home to welcome another child. A family ought to be sure though that they’re willing to “count the cost.” If you aren’t able to love beyond protecting your own genetic material, please don’t bring a child into that kind of situation, and work on your own spiritual condition first. If God is calling you to adopt though, I’d recommend looking around at adoption conferences or seminars in your area. There you’ll meet people who have adopted and who can help you see what would be the best situation (domestic, international, foster care, etc.) for you."For more: Challies