Because not although!
"Some years ago now, a team of sociologists visited a center-city church. They were conducting a study of congregations involved in mercy ministry. When they had finished their report, they gave the pastors a chance to read through it to check for mistakes before publication. Although the report was well written, there was one sentence the pastors found hard to accept. It went something like this: "Although this church is deeply committed to teaching and preaching biblical doctrine, it also has a heart for mercy ministry." The pastors told the researchers, "All you have to do is change one word and we'll be satisfied. Take the word 'although' and change it to 'because.'" Upon further reflection, the researchers agreed to make the change, so the final version of their report read, "Because this church is deeply committed to teaching and preaching biblical doctrine, it has a heart for mercy ministry." Words of gospel truth compel deeds of gospel mercy. Far from being hindered by an emphasis on theology, the ministry of mercy is fueled by Christian doctrine, properly understood."
Phil Ryken and Noah Toly, What is Mercy Ministry, p. 10,11