Enjoying the Person of Christ with Augustine
"He who so loved us, that for our sakes He was made in time, through whom all things were made, was in the world less in age than His servants, though older than the world itself in His eternity; was made man who made man; was created of a mother whom He created; was carried by hands He formed; sucked at breasts which He had filled; cried in the manger in wordless infancy, He is the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute.""He it is by whom all things were made and who was made one of all things; who is the revealer of the Father, the creator of the mother; the Son of God by the Father without a mother, the Son of Man by a mother without a father; the great Day of the angels, little in the day of men; the Word who is God before all time, the Word made flesh at a fitting time; the maker of the sun made under the sun; ordering all the ages from the bosom of the Father, hallowing a day of today from the womb of the mother; remaining in the former, coming forth from the latter; author of heaven and earth, sprung under heaven out of the earth; unutterably wise in His wisdom a babe without utterance; filling the world, lying in a manger; ruling the stars, feeling for the breasts with his infant lips; great in the form of God, tiny in the form of a servant; in such a way that neither was that greatness minished by his tininess, nor was his tininess oppressed by that greatness. For when He took upon Himself human members, He did not abandon Divine works, nor did He cease from reaching end to end mightily and ordering all things sweetly.""The maker of Mary, He was born of Mary; the Son of David, He is David's Lord; the seed of Abraham; before Abraham was He is; the maker of earth made on earth; the Creator of heaven He was created under heaven. He is Himself the day which the Lord has made, and the day of our heart, that is the Lord."Augustine