Doubting one's doubts
"Of course, to some degree, the war between belief and unbelief exists in microcosm inside every believer. We should remember, as Plantinga says, that 'believers are constantly beset by doubts, disquietude, spiritual difficult, and turmoil...It never goes that well with us, and it often goes a good deal worse. There is an unbeliever within the breast of every Christian.'Often however, the cause of our doubts isn't what you might think. It isn't necessarily the strength of the arguments that rattles us, but the way they resonate with the unbeliever in each of us (what the Bible calls the 'old self...') Yet more often than not, if we look closely at the atheist's arguments, we find that there is little substance. Seeing this can change the argument's frequency and therefore break its spell."Mitch Stokes, "A Shot of Faith to the Head"