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Simple Family Devotions #3: Enjoying God's Love

As a believer, the single most important thing you can do today is enjoy how much God loves you. Sometimes this is harder to do than it sounds. We take being loved by God so lightly. So, think about it! There’s no one who loves you more and there’s no one who loves you better than God. But what makes His love for you so special? Take a few minutes and look at the following verses and note how they help you appreciate God’s love for you. You might just say, ‘God’s love for me is… and fill in the blank with the truth from the passage.1.) Psalm 136:12.) Romans 5:83.) Romans 8:35-394.) 1 John 3:165.) 1 John 4:9,10Now, stop and think, if God loves you like this, what difference will it make on your life today? Write down one way you should think or act or feel differently based on how much God loves you!