Simple Family Devotions #10: Forgiven!

Our sin is so much worse than we think it is. It not only creates problems in our lives and brings us shame, God hates it. That’s what makes sin so terrible. He is absolutely holy. And it’s impossible for sinners to live in His presence. How then can any of us hope to come before Him? Forgiveness! I love that word. Do you?Sometimes we forget how amazing it is to be forgiven. Slow down and think about what it means to be forgiven, how you came to be forgiven, and what difference being forgiven should make in your life today by meditating on the following verses. Note especially the way they describe forgiveness, the other terms they use for forgiveness, how they think forgiveness happens, and what they think we should do as people who have been forgiven.1.) Psalm 32:12.) Micah 7:18,193.) Acts 10:434.) Hebrews 9:225.) Ephesians 1:76.) Revelation 1:57.) Psalm 130:48.) Ephesians 4:32Now, if you are a believer take a few minutes to evaluate your life. Are you thinking and acting like a person who has been forgiven? Thank God for the way He has forgiven you and ask Him to help you believe it.


Simple Family Devotions #9: You are a miracle!


Simple Family Devotions #11: Alive!