Simple Family Devotions #14: What God cannot do!

Spending time with your family in God's Word is life-transforming. Yet sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. I have created these simple family devotions to help. Any believer can do this! Read the introduction, ask your children to look up the verses, and then discuss what they mean and how they apply together. You will be happy you did!------There is no one as important as God.  And there is nothing more important than knowing Him. Let's seek to grow in our knowledge of God by thinking about what He is like. Specifically take some time to read the following passages and note what God cannot do. What do these verses say is missing in God or that He cannot do?1.) Psalm 92:152.) Romans 9:143.) James 1:134.) Job 37:235.) Habakkuk 1:13How does knowing this about God impact you? In what does it change the way you think or feel? If God is like this and you say you love Him, what should you hate and avoid? 


Simple Family Devotions #13: Loving God


Simple Family Devotions #15: What’s your purpose?