
Highlighted series:

The Main Things...

One of the first steps to benefiting from the Bible is to actually read the Bible. Shocking, I know. This is actually part of why we have started the African Bible Training Centre…

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The One Thing!

What’s one thing that can change everything? What if you could choose ONE THING to pursue that would be sure to have a positive impact on absolutely everything else in your life? How important would that one thing be…

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What is godliness?

What do you want most? There are a lot of things to want out there, and you are going to have to make choices. Choosing one thing, means not choosing another, If I do this, I can’t do that. And so you have to choose between your wants…

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God's glory in salvation through judgment

If there is one thing wicked people don't like to hear, it is talk of God's judgment. Listen to how the people of Micah's day responded when he told them God would take vengeance on them for their abuse of the poor and vulnerable…

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Grace is Scary

What do you think is the most fear producing thing God has ever done? In other words, if you want to motivate yourself to fear God, what would you say is the one thing you should think about that is most likely to do that? I am not sure I have the final answer to that…

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