“Bible study questions”

Bible Study Questions: Hosea 1-14 Questions

…Up to this point, we’ve been reading a straight up story. This section looks a little different in our Bibles though, doesn’t it? That’s because it is poetry. Since we are going to be reading poetry…

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Bible Study Questions: Exodus 19-24 Questions

…If you are trying to read through the Bible in a year, this is where you usually start to struggle. And that’s because, while the opening chapters are exciting, and we are reading a story, it’s like God hits pause here…

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Bible Study Questions: Exodus 16-18 Questions

…They are in the wilderness, and God is training them. First in chapter 15, he taught them they were supposed to diligently obey God’s commands and he would bless them. In chapter 16, he’s giving them a test to see if they will do that…

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Bible Study Questions: Exodus 1-15 Questions

…You have just finished reading through Genesis. How does the very first verse of Exodus make it clear that the story you are about to read is connected to the one you just read? Why is that helpful to know…

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