“The Unselfish Husband”

Unselfish Husbands, part 1

I haven’t met many husbands who didn’t know they were supposed to love their wives, and yet, I have met many men who weren’t very good at loving.I know in my own life, I’ve been married 23 years now…

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Unselfish Husbands, part 2

We don’t grow in many areas without spending some time thinking about how we can grow in those areas. And so if you read commands like Romans 13:9, “let love be genuine...” you have to think about…

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Unselfish Husbands, part 3

Men, we must work at becoming unselfish. It's a command.It's a skill.How can you become less selfish? First you have to think about how you can become more unselfish…

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Unselfish Husbands, part 4

There’s some mental discipline that’s required for serving others unselfishly. It's kind of like when you are laying there at night, and you are so hot, and your wife is cold and she doesn’t like the window open…

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Unselfish Husbands, part 5

There is always going to be stuff that comes up in marriage that feels very challenging because you like what you like and the person you are married to is different…

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Unselfish Husbands, part 6

One of the challenges with trying to become more unselfish is that your attitude doesn’t always match up with your actions. I remember when we first got married…

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