“What is the Church to do?”

What is the Church to Do? Part 1

It would be strange to be asked to be part of a group and not have anyone tell you exactly why or what was expected of you once you joined. It certainly wouldn’t be fair, for example, if you were hired for a certain job with specific responsibilities and yet your employer never told you what those responsibilities were…

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What is the Church to Do? Part 2

The church gathers.We get together week after week. That seems obvious. But, why? Why is gathering as a church so important? It’s a command. We see that in Hebrews 10:19-25. But, it’s not just a command…

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What is the Church to Do? Gather! Part 3

We are to get together as a church on a regular basis.But what for?After reminding us why we gather in chapter 10, verses 19 through 21, the writer of Hebrews, draws out three implications for our life together as a church in verses 22 through 25…

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What is the Church to Do? Gather! part 4

Christians get together. Over and over and over and over again.Week after week we meet as a church. Why? We are looking at Hebrews 10 and we’ve seen that one reason has to do with God. A second reason for our gathering together is found in verse 23, and it has to do with you…

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What is the Church to Do? Gather! Part 5

It seems so ordinary.Get in your car. Gather with a big group. Sing some songs. Listen to someone talk. Spend time with other people.Week after week after week.Why is gathering as a church so important…

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