“Your Role in the Local Church”

Your role in the local church, part 1

The way the Bible describes how relationships within the local church are supposed to work is beautiful.Listen to Paul.In Ephesians 4:1.“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called…

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Your role in the local church, part 2

Before we talk about what you are supposed to do for Christ in serving His church, it’s important we just stop and think about what Jesus has done in serving you.Our motivation to serve others increases as we consider the way Jesus has served us…

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Your role in the local church, part 3

We sometimes use the busyness of life as an excuse for not serving Jesus in the local church. And, over the previous posts we have been looking at why that is such a serious mistake. One of the biggest reason being as a believer God has gifted you to serve the church…

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Your role in the local church, part 4

I really want to be the kind of local church that God wants us to be.But is it really, actually possible? I guess if we just looked at ourselves and thought it were up to us, we would have every right to wonder…

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Your role in the local church, part 5

Getting involved in a church takes work. With all the different things you have going on in your life, why should you make sacrifices to really be a vital part of the church? One reason is because Jesus has given you a gift…

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