Christian Living

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Joshua Mack Joshua Mack

How Can You Benefit from the Old Testament?

In this article, I want to share one key attitude, two fundamental commitments, and three basic presuppositions that are necessary to benefit from the Old Testament. One Key Attitude If you're going to benefit from the Old Testament, you need to approach it with humility...

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Joshua Mack Joshua Mack

Are you Earthly Minded?

What do you set your mind on? I will tell you one reason that is an important question. In Philippians 3:19 Paul describes those who walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with their mind set on earthly things.”

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How and When to Be Bold

Many of us have been trained to be polite. And I suppose that most of the time that is a good thing, especially if that politeness is motivated by love…

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The Right Word

If there’s anything you want to become really good at, it’s speaking the right word. And to speak the right word, obviously, you have to do some thinking about what the right word is. I’ll give you just a couple ideas…

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How to change, part fifteen

The way God has changed believers should change believers.After reminding us in Colossians 3:1 of the fact we have been raised with Christ, Paul goes on to show…

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How to change, part fourteen

I think we’ve all had times where we knew what to do but we didn’t really know how to do it. And. Sometimes that can be frustrating. Obviously. Knowing what to do, but not knowing how…

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How to change, part thirteen

In Paul’s day, some people thought the body was bad. And physical things were bad. Which meant if you were going to free your soul to really worship God you had to punish your body and stay away from certain stuff…

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How to change, part twelve

If we are going to grow spiritually we have to reject wrong ideas about growing spiritually. Which, sounds tough, I know, but it's real. There are very wrong ideas about spirituality that will do us serious damage…

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How to change, part eleven

Before you can grow spiritually you need to identify and reject wrong ideas of spiritual growth and maturity.In Colossians 2:16-23, the apostle Paul helps us do that by highlighting three characteristics of the kind of teaching…

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Adopted people are loving people

It is not easy to love people well over a long period of time.Even though we know the importance of love, we often have many excuses for giving up. Perhaps this is why the apostle Paul gives us so many different motivations for persevering…

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Forgiven people are loving people

You don't meet many parents who would say they struggle to love their children. But, sometimes that's only because they aren't really thinking about what it means to love. Love is not just a word in the Bible. It's defined by Christ…

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Job Number One

I am good at making simple things complicated. There are a lot of us who have the ability to take something that is straightforward and making it confusing and complicated. It is definitely possible to do that when it comes to marriage and family and parenting…

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How to change, part ten

As believers we are interested in changing. We are interested in growing. In fact, if we say we are Christians, and we are not concerned about overcoming sin and becoming more and more like Jesus, then something is going wrong…

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How to change, part nine

When we are thinking about sin and holiness, and change, if we are talking with someone who is not a Christian, they are enslaved to sin, they are under the dominion of sin, they need the gospel…

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Who Not To Argue With

It seems loving to try to answer every single question every single person has, but it is definitely not wise.It's not wise because there is a kind of person who just doesn't learn. No matter how long you talk with him…

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How to change, part eight

If all Christians struggle. And.If we are saved by what Jesus did. Then why even talk about pursuing holiness? If we are justified. Already. By Jesus. Why talk about being sanctified? Or…

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True versus Common Virtue

Tim Keller on Jonathan Edward's distinction between true virtue and common virtue: "There are two kinds of moral behavior: “common virtue” and “true virtue.” Let’s take one virtue: honesty…

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How to change, part seven

I want us to keep talking about holiness. We are in the middle of a series where we are looking at the Bible and asking, how do people change? Or. If you want a big theological word you could say we are talking about sanctification. And…

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How to change, part six

Temptation wins when it gets you to stop trusting God and start thinking you need to take matters into your own hands. As Martin Luther once said,“That’s the sin underneath all our sins…

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