Christian Living

Highlighted series:

How to change, part five

How can I change? Over the past several posts we have been looking at a couple of very important principles that we need to embrace if we are going to actually change. First, we need to want to. And, what's more…

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How to change, part four

I don’t know how you feel when someone says they want to talk about holiness, but I can imagine there are many people who don't get excited about this subject, because they think of holiness as something that’s almost oppressive…

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How to change, part three

One big problem many people have when they come for counseling is that they don't know how big their problems really are. It’s not just that we have these little issues in our life…

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How to Change, part two

You’ll never really change until you grieve over your sin. And you’ll never really grieve over your sin until you see yourself for who you are. And you’ll never really see yourself for who you are, until you’ve first looked upon God’s face…

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