
Highlighted series:

Every Member's Responsibility

If you were going to take all the responsibilities we have as church members, and pick just one word that summarizes them, the word the Bible would pick most often, is love. For example, Ephesians 5…

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Church: Why It Matters #3

A second reason the local church is so important is because of what the church does. Obviously as a local church we can be involved in lots of things. Even at our church, we are just beginning as a church, but we have got all kinds of activities that are constantly taking place…

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Deacons: part 3

Deacons are servant leaders. That’s what the word means. They help us make the gospel we’re proclaiming look beautiful by freeing up the elders and by leading us in loving sacrificial service. That’s why we have deacons…

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Church: Why it Matters #2

Why is the local church so important?In Timothy 3:15 Paul gives us two reasons why.The first reason is because of what it is.Paul uses two phrases to describe the church in verse 15…

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Deacons: part 2

Both elders and deacons are servants.They are servant leaders.They have that in common. The difference comes down to where exactly God’s called them to FOCUS when it comes to serving and leading the church…

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Church: Why It Matters #1

I want to take a little time to talk about the church.Specifically, we are going to be looking to the Bible for guidance about what we are supposed to be doing as a church. But, I guess, as we start…

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Deacons: part 1

I thought we could look at 1 Timothy 3:8-13 in a series of posts and answer four questions about the office of deacon.First, what is a deacon? It’s a funny word, actually.Deacon. It’s not technically an English word…

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God is Enough for the Church

"The power of God alone is sufficient to preserve the Church, and there is no need of other helps. For he (in Zechariah 4) sets the Spirit of God in opposition to all earthly aids; and thus he proves that God borrows no help for the preservation of his Church, because he abounds in all blessings to enrich it…

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Enjoying Church without a New Heart

It takes a work of God for someone to love Jesus.But it does not take a saving work of God for a person to enjoy coming to church and singing and being with other people and listening to someone speak about God's Word…

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Sin and the local church, part 3

In Matthew 18, Jesus gives us some steps which we must follow as church members when we personally know another member of the church is disobeying God's Word and isn't doing anything about it…

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Sin and the local church, part 2

What do we do when someone in the church sins? I guess, it would be easy if we were unbelievers. We could just ignore them or we might attack them. But we are not. We know sin is too serious for us to ignore and believers are too dearly loved by God to attack…

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Sin and the Local Church, part 1

I want us to talk about what we should do if someone in the church sins and maybe even sins, against us. Because unfortunately, that’s going to be a reality. You are going to sin. I am going to sin. We are going to sin…

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Your role in the local church, part 5

Getting involved in a church takes work. With all the different things you have going on in your life, why should you make sacrifices to really be a vital part of the church? One reason is because Jesus has given you a gift…

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Your role in the local church, part 4

I really want to be the kind of local church that God wants us to be.But is it really, actually possible? I guess if we just looked at ourselves and thought it were up to us, we would have every right to wonder…

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Your role in the local church, part 3

We sometimes use the busyness of life as an excuse for not serving Jesus in the local church. And, over the previous posts we have been looking at why that is such a serious mistake. One of the biggest reason being as a believer God has gifted you to serve the church…

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Your role in the local church, part 2

Before we talk about what you are supposed to do for Christ in serving His church, it’s important we just stop and think about what Jesus has done in serving you.Our motivation to serve others increases as we consider the way Jesus has served us…

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Your role in the local church, part 1

The way the Bible describes how relationships within the local church are supposed to work is beautiful.Listen to Paul.In Ephesians 4:1.“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called…

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What it means to be a church member, part three

After laying out the four main commitments believers made to the church in Acts 2:42 Luke begins to give us an idea of how those commitments played out in the everyday life of these early Christians. First, he makes it clear, this was not just like a ritual for them…

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