I'm a small group guy.
I want you to know that.
By temperament and by theology, I'm all for small groups. By temperament, I mean, I like listening to people share. I like being around other people. I like interaction. I like it when people ask questions. By theology, I mean I believe one of the primary ways God changes people is through relationships and that small groups are a smart, common sense way of helping people form those kinds of life-changing relationships.
I'm a small group guy.
That said, I'm just wondering something.
I'm wondering if sometimes (not all the time - sometimes) the emphasis on small groups has something to do with a de-emphasis on preaching. And I'm wondering if the de-emphasis on preaching has something to do with the fact that most of us would rather hear ourselves talk than someone else.
I taught Sunday School with a group of four year olds a couple weeks ago. And man, when they were talking about themselves they were so into it. But the moment, and I mean, the moment someone else started telling a story - they checked out.
Like many of us.
Small groups are great - go for it. But be careful the motivation is right. If we're going to really learn, we can't just listen to ourselves. We've got to learn to listen to other people just as well.