Thinking about Pastors and Churches
I started thinking today about some of the men outside my family whom God has used to change me. And you know what I realized, many if not most of them were pastors. My life is different because of the work of these pastors.Then I started thinking about their churches. In order for those men to have an impact on my life, their churches had to make a sacrifice. In each and every case you have a church who came behind their pastor and said in one way or can we help him use his giftedness to the full to benefit us and others? I'll be honest, to me that makes sense. A pastor comes to a church and he's thinking how can I help these people become the people God's intended them to be and how can I help them use their giftedness for the glory of God...and it makes sense to me, that a church should be thinking how can we help our pastors do the be a blessing here and if needed, to the church at large?An example would be if pastor happened to have a Ph.D in Greek or something, a church thinking how can we help our pastor utilize that unique training to benefit to us and to others? I've realized recently though it's possible to come at it from a different perspective. Not so much about the pastor being a blessing in their local church but about being a blessing to the church at large. I think the point someone might make, it's that basically pastors and churches shouldn't really think or dream or plan for that pastor to use his giftedness outside the local church in a significant way. Because, anything a pastor does outside his local church will take him away from that local church. Like for example, if he teaches a course in Greek at a seminary or even teaches Greek within his own church building to people who are not part of his church, he is necessarily taking time away from his own local church to do that.What do you think?