
Highlighted series:

A guide to correcting well...

It’s easy to try to appear righteous when someone is doing something you think is wrong and say that you are mostly concerned about God or them. But it is important that you evaluate whether or not the reason…

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Becoming a good at correcting...

It’s easy to try to appear righteous when someone is doing something you think is wrong and say that you are mostly concerned about God or them. But it is important that you evaluate whether or not the reason…

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Bad Speech

Your speech is powerful.It has a tremendous impact on your life and the life of people around you. There's a way of talking that changes lives for the better and a way of talking that changes lives for the worse…

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A Guidebook to Satan's Strategies: part 8

Satan has schemes. You need to know them. What are some of his favorite strategies? In previous posts, we've talked about lying, blinding, hindering, persecuting, tempting, misdirecting and dividing…

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Jay Adams:“If love has grown cold in a family, the counselor should encourage the husband to do something about it. He must urge him to emulate the love of Jesus Christ for His church…

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Talk about Talk

Let’s talk about the way you talk.You do a lot of talking. That ability to communicate is a gift. But this ability to communicate is not only a gift, it is also a responsibility…

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A Guidebook to Satan's Strategies: part 6

Satan has strategies. What are some of his schemes for attacking us as believers? 1. Lying 2. Blinding 3. Hindering 4. Persecuting 5. TemptingAnd when he tempts, he is subtle. He tries to make obedience to God look bad…

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A Guidebook to Satan's Strategies: part 5

It seems to me that if we are engaged in a war with an enemy who has strategies, we would want to know what those strategies are. God in His Word gives us a guidebook to the enemy’s strategies and so far, we have identified four. 1. He lies. This is is his basic approach…

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A Guidebook to Satan's Strategies: part 2

Satan wants to keep people from seeing the beauty of Jesus. While The Bible doesn’t say a lot about what Satan does to unbelievers, one of the things that it does say is found in 2 Corinthians 4:4…

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How Jesus Dealt with Discouragement

If you have ever looked at your work and been disappointed with the results, you are definitely not the first.Isaiah tells us that even Jesus became discouraged.In fact, in Isaiah 49:4 he says, “I have toiled in vain…

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What does lying look like?

One of the distinguishing characteristics of the way Christians talk should be their consistent commitment to speaking truth. Unfortunately, lying is such a part of our culture and such a part of our past…

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The Dangerous Sin of Insecurity

I am not completely sure what people mean when they say they are "insecure." I suppose they mean that they aren't very confident and have a negative view of themselves and what is happening in their lives…

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Handling Trials Worksheet

Lesson 1 “When Life Hurts”. Summary: This lesson shows what the Bible teaches about how to respond to the difficult experiences of life. Outline: 1. Getting Started (5 minutes)…

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